As the festive cheer of Christmas fades, I can’t help but echo the sentiment that’s been on everyone’s lips: “this year went by so fast”. Now we’re staring down the barrel of 2024. A fresh canvas for new promises, affirmations, and perhaps, a renewed perspective on life.

Sharon Dilworth

This coming year, like every other, will see us at various crossroads. Some will choose to follow their dreams or the path of forgiveness and moving forward, while others might decide that some things are unforgivable, yet still, choose to progress. Each choice, still personal and equally valid.

My guiding philosophy, as you know, has always been to love someone exactly where they are in their journey. Call me a fool if you must, but in my eyes, there’s nothing more authentic than being true to oneself. I believe in kindness, but not without boundaries and a backbone. Sometimes, it might not seem like I have those, but trust me, they’re there, silently steering my course.

This past year my biggest lesson has been to learn to focus on the present. The tangible reality in front of me, rather than squinting into the distance at a blurry future. That distant view is often a mirage of fears and fantasies, neither of which serve my present self. This approach will serve as a cornerstone in my life, a constant reminder that I can only live for me in the now. This isn’t selfishness; it’s self-preservation and self-love, which I have mentioned multiple times in my Facebook โ€œLiveโ€ shows.

As we embark on this new year, i want to ask you; what are your intentions? Will you embrace the aspects of your life that bring you joy and fulfillment, or will you courageously change the things that no longer serve you? Or perhaps, you’re considering a radical transformation, a leap into the unknown that both terrifies and excites you. Whatever your path, know that it is uniquely yours, and there is immense power and also consequence in that choice.

Let’s make 2024 a year of introspection and bold action. A year where we not only dream but also do. Where we not only hope for change but become the agents of change in our own lives.

Share with me, what will you keep, change, or radically alter? Together, let’s inspire and support each other in this journey of self-discovery and growth.

Here’s to a year of living authentically, passionately, and wholeheartedly. Here’s to our 2024, a year where we are not just alive, but truly living!


9 responses to “Authentically More, In 2024”

  1. Hi Sharon. Absolutely profound! Appreciated, thank you.
    I totally agree with you about being authentic and true to oneself, if not who are you?
    I intend applying boundaries in my life. Too many people have seen my humility as a weakness, and have abused my love, kindness and taken advantage of my nature.
    I want to live closer to God in 2024, He is my Source, my Provider and all I need.

    Having a relationship with God is vitally important to me, because He is totally in control of my life.
    No matter what plans and dreams we have, if it’s not in God’s plan for our lives, nothing will materialise.

    I would love to spend more time with my children, I thank God for them, and my grandkids. Tomorrow is promised to no one, let us use our time well.

    My prayers for you and your family, are for good health, inner peace and happiness.
    May God grant you the desires of your heart.

    May God help us all to live lives that He will find pleasing, have thankful hearts and be mindful to be kind to others.
    May 2024 be a God filled year to us. May we do to others as we want done to us.
    May God abundantly bless us, in all areas of our lives, with renewed strength, wisdom and to love others, as we love ourselves.
    May goodness and God’s favour, always be your portion, Sharon.
    You are precious, valued, appreciated and loved.
    Thank you for being true to yourself.
    Much love.
    Theresa van Wyk, one of your greatest fans.

  2. Good morning Sharon I trust you are well. U always touch my inner soul with your messages and stories. I truly and firmly believe that we need to put ourselves first. It’s so easy to fall in the habit of always putting others first and I’m definitely guilty of this. Once again u made me realise is all about me first. Although I love my family and friends dearly I will jump over an Ocean for them, but when it comes to myself I always take second best. Thank appreciate your advice and encouragement.

  3. As always your messages speaks to my soulโค

    I’ve been following you from the start. Watched your Sunday night lives, Your karaoke episodes, your hour long talks and even your inspiration videos. I love them all. I’ve cried and laughed, like really laughed so hard (your content is like medicine to my soul). And often times it’s as if you are speaking directly to ME. I just want you to know that you have this effect on people. We love and appreciate you.

    Thank you for doing what you do.โค

    I’ll be right here watching the authentic Sharon Dilworth flourish in her era of self love.

  4. As always your messages speaks to my soulโค

    I’ve been following you from the start. Watched your Sunday night lives, Your karaoke episodes, your hour long talks and even your inspiration videos. I love them all. I’ve cried and laughed, like really laughed so hard (your content is like medicine to my soul). And often times it’s as if you are speaking directly to ME. I just want you to know that you have this effect on people. We love and appreciate you.

    Thank you for doing what you do.โค

    I’ll be right here watching the authentic Sharon Dilworth flourish in her era of self love.

  5. Complement of the seasons dear and sukran for everything you’ve done for/to me ๐Ÿ˜‚,๐Ÿ˜ข motivate ext wishing you all the best for 2024 my sister ๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธ๐ŸŒน

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