Sunday, September 3rd 2023

Hello everyone,

I want to start by apologizing for the delayed response to everyone’s questions. The past few days have been nothing short of a whirlwind. It all began last week Monday(8/25)when I started experiencing some discomfort on my right side. Little did I know, this would kick off an unexpected health journey.

At first, I didn’t think too much of it. I’ve had similar pains before, and medical professionals often attributed it to my irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or the occasional bladder infection. Typically, I’d be sent home with a laxative or a round of antibiotics. However, this time around, things took a turn for the worse, and by Thursday(8/31), I was in excruciating pain. It had become so intense that I could barely walk.

In my desperation, I decided to seek medical attention and headed to Kaiser urgent care. The doctor there wasted no time and ordered a battery of tests, including a CT scan, an external and internal ultrasound.

My urine sample showed no signs of infection. To my surprise, they discovered a 7cm cyst in my fallopian tube. Additionally, my potassium levels were dangerously low. However, since there was no gynecologist on staff, the doctor sent the images to a specialist to seek a second opinion.

The gynecologist’s initial assessment was that it seemed like a typical cyst. He suggested painkillers and potassium supplements. They assured me they would follow up and schedule an appointment soon. Following this advice, I went home to rest and expected to be back at work on Tuesday (9/5) like they said.

The pain didn’t subside. In fact, it got worse despite the painkillers, which were essentially narcotics or opioids. By Sunday(9/3), I found myself unable to walk upright. This prompted me to go to the outpatient Emergency Room at Rancho Springs Hospital, where they had two gynecologists on staff.

After conducting fresh scans and more tests, my urine sample showed infection and the gynecologists had a different perspective. They believed that what was initially thought to be a cyst might actually be a mass and my right ovary is dying. To be thorough, they even conducted blood tests for cancer markers. While the cancer markers came back negative, they stressed that cancer couldn’t be ruled out entirely until a surgical procedure was performed to remove the cyst/mass and the ovary.

So, here I am, in a state of uncertainty, waiting for the doctor to make a decision on when the surgery will happen. I have an upcoming appointment on Tuesday (9/12), which will be pivotal in planning for the surgery. In the meantime, I am aiming to return to work on Friday, but the road ahead remains filled with questions and challenges.

This unexpected health journey has certainly been a rollercoaster, and it’s a stark reminder of how quickly life can change. I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on my progress as I navigate this uncertain path. Your support and understanding mean the world to me during this challenging time.

Thank you for your patience and well-wishes as I face this chapter in my life.

Positive vibration is always the best choice.


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93 responses to “My Unexpected Health scare”

  1. Praying for a speedy nd full recovery Sharon. Take the time to also rest well nd re-energize your body nd mind. I miss your live video’s but hope to see back stronger with lots to share❤️🙏🙏🙏

  2. Hi Sharon

    Thank you for the update. I pray that the Almighty heal u completely. I went through a similar situation last year. It was draining both emotionally and physically. My doctor suspects the same is happening again. I literally just got back from my doctor’s appointment. :(. I’m seriously considering a hysterectomy.

    In the end it will all work out for the both of us. God willing.



  3. Dear Sharon
    Im praying and thinking of you during this season in your life .I believe that God will carry you through this trying time and heal you completely.You are missed on Sosial media the interesting chats. Strongs to you and family much love🙏🌹💯

  4. Hi Sharon, sorry to hear about your health situation.May the medical teams hands be rightly guided and may you have a speedy and complete recovery. You are always positive and that is already a big start ❤.
    As you always say nothing happens by chance and always at the right time,may you find comfort in those words.
    All the best to you and your family(I’m not active on your page ,but you make me laugh) from an old lady of Mitchell’s Plain

  5. Hi Sharon

    Keep the faith despite the uncertainty at this moment in time. I know it’s easy said as done but always remember God has the final say.

    You will stand to be a living testimony 🙌

  6. This is sudden. Just shows that our lives can change in a split of a second. Praying 🙏 for u during this time. I’m sure the waiting makes you more anxious. Everything of the best . May u have a speedy recovery.

  7. I pray God’s peace and grace over you as you navigate through this hurdle. Know that you are not alone. God bless u and your family.🥰

  8. I pray God’s peace and grace as your portion as you navigate this hurdle. Blessings love and hugs from Cape Town.

  9. Alle sterkte Sharon en ‘n spoedige beterskap. You’re in our prayers, Hoop jy voel gou beter. Lots of love!!!!

  10. The Almighty will see to you just put your trust in him.. Everytime you go for a check up pray every moment you have pray and always keep him in your heart and mind..We know the doctors are there but who gave them the ability to help people just remember that be positive the brain feeds the body so any negative thoughts goes to your body you will be fine don’t worry faith is first and nothing else. Thinking of you meisie.

  11. This is really ashame my dear Sharron I really get so used to you videos but I prayer that God heal and protect you in the time of pain and suffering ,that he shows he’s hand upon your life .That God never leaves you in the must but everything will workout for the best .have great faith because your healing is on the way.❤️❤️❤️❤️

  12. Hi Sharon. So sorry for the health scare. We pray that all goes well with the operation and msy you have a speedy recovery! Strongs and trust that you will be fine! ❤️🤗🌹

  13. So sorry u having medical discomfort. I pray you have a speedy recovery. Bid onse colored sister. Prayer is Powerfull. I trust that you will make us laugh very soon with your funny live videos. Stay Blessed. 🙏

  14. Hi Sharon.

    All the best,By the stripes u are healed in Jesus Name. I believe that Gods angles already there to touch u.I speak life in every part of your body in Jesus Name.

    Take care.

  15. Wow Sharon🤭,not only do I loooove💕 your story telling but just fell in love with your fascinating and eloquent ,articulacy. You should write ✍️ a book 📖 man👌.
    So sorry about the pain and precarious situation.You in my prayers🙏 and take care😘🤗

  16. Sharon. All the Worth-warriors are praying for you. You got this girl…
    I will however suggest that you look into Mannatech products such as Plus (for endocrine system), ambrotose complex, and GI-probalance for the IBS. Try it for at least 3 months. If it does not change anything for you, you can claim your money back. They have a 180day customer satisfaction guarantee on their products.
    There are hundreds of thousands of people who have great testimonies after using Mannatech products.
    You don’t even have to buy from me, as Mannatech is a US company, based in Texas, and listed on Nasdec as Emtex.
    Please my dear. I don’t make any money saying this….
    Mannatech can help your body to get all the nutrients needed to fight all diseases and illnesses.
    I have lost 21kgs in 4 months on their products.

    You have nothing to lose. All our products are plant- and food based. No chemicals. GMO free.

    Go for it girl… you can thank me later.

  17. Hi there
    Keeping you in my prayers, hope everything works out for the best and you will feel better soon
    Yes, no one knows what tomorrow will be so my personal opinion live today as if this is ur last
    Regards Porchia

  18. Hi Sharon it sounds serious.Consider the surgery to be sure of what is actually happening. Rest and sleep to conserve your energy for the road ahead.Take vitamins and minerals within reason and try to eat healthy.Prayer is a powerful tool to hold onto.From a concerned nurse in Jozi

  19. HI Sharon
    So sorry to hear abt your ordeal may the Almighty grant you strength and complete health Amen always remember with every difficulty comes ease and the Almighty test most beloved to Him rest well and all the best
    Hugs and kisses
    Abeeda from Mitchell’s plain

  20. Hi Aunty Sharon,

    You might not know me but I always love watching your videos

    I just thought I would show some love ❤️

    Here is some encouragement for the journey that lies ahead

    Romans 8:18 The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming


    Isaiah 41:10 so do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

    Stay blessed

  21. Good afternoon Sharon, my name is Colleen ,always follow you. Praying for a speedy recovery. I like to share with you,my daughter had the same problem, every month went to doctors for nearly a year and the pain got worst. She had just returned from being in Sweden and within in 24 hours she was rush to hospital. They then discovered she had a cyst the size of a tennis ball on her ovary, emergency operation was done. Damage to the ovary and had to reconstruct the ovary. Then they also discovered she has stage 4 endometriosis and IBS. This was a few years ago she was in her twenties, she went through so much operations every year and lots of pain and doctors advise she never be able to have children. Through the grace of God she was blessed with two beautiful daughters 🙏🙏. She still battles endometriosis and IBS. Please don’t wait to long for doctors to sort. Praying for you. 🙏🙏🙏

  22. I trust the upcoming operation will be successful and you will have a speedy recovery. We keep you in our prayers. Strongz Sharon. 🙏🙏

  23. Hi Sharon,
    Please get well soon I hope and pray the doctors are able to find out exactly what’s causing the discomfort. Continue to heal I’m praying for you. ❤️

  24. Shaampies i will keep you in prayer for Complete healing in Jesus Name Amen. And wisdom to docs to give you correct diagnosis 🙏🙏🙏😍strongs

  25. Hi Sharon. I was so stressed when I saw on Facebook you not well.

    I am a follower, although I do not comment much.

    Will keep you in my duas. May our Almighty grant you complete shifa inshAllah.

  26. My dear you are in my thoughts and I pray that you don’t need a surgery. May God heal you and Yes life is so unexpected and I too had suddenly gotten results in recent months that I was not ready for. Some results are also uncertain. May both of find comfort in God’s hand and we return back to be Fully and completely healed.

  27. Ai!!my anty alle sterkte en seen op u en u gesondheid ..ek glo en vertrou die Here sal alles ten goede vir u laat meewerk…hou vas aan u geloof anty ..lief en bid vir u …sterkte

  28. Hi Sharon

    My prayers are with you. Trust in God and your doctors and you will get through this. Stay strong and all the best.

  29. I’m so sorry to hear about this. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Strongz and tons of love all the way from Cape Town, South Africa.

  30. Hi Aunty Sharon,

    Keep positive and trust in the Lord. Your surgery will be a success and Aunty Sharon will be just fine, God has a plan for all of us and he is in control all the time so don’t be anxious about anything but pray through everything and trust in the Lord. God bless you Aunty Sharon!

    Love Chandré

  31. Hi Sterkte Sharon ek lees nou wat jy geskryf het eks jammer Om te hoor wat jy allis deur Gaan.Wat ek Kan sê is net Sterkte aan jou en probeer maar net positive wees en glo dat allis Gou Weer ohk sal wees.
    Il keep you in my prayers 🙏 god bless

  32. Hi Sharon,will be keeping you in prayer.May God heal you from the hair on your head to the soles of your feet. May He guide the Doctors with decision making and your treatment. Sending a bigggg hug. Strings🤗❤️

  33. Hi Sharon,will be keeping you in prayer.May God heal you from the hair on your head to the soles of your feet. May He guide the Doctors with decision making and your treatment. Sending a bigggg hug. Strongs🤗❤️

  34. Really miss your Sunday night conversation Sharon but it’s ok. We understand. Get well soon. You are in our prayers always.

  35. Hi Sharon , you are a strong woman, and you will get through this too,it is a good thing so that now you know what is wrong and you will work on that , eat right and drink huis raadtjies, to help with healing . I know you will do some research on whatever the Dr says. You are in our prayers as well as your families. Psalm 103: 1..5… 🙏🙏❤️❤️ .. you…

  36. I wish you a full recovery, Sharon. God is our Jehovah Rapha – The Lord that Healeth thee. Your Faith is stronger than your fear. Big hugs 🤗🌸🤗

  37. Hi Sharon I know all will be good. Sometimes God jus need one to stop and take stock of where our journey with Him is going or He just need us to stand so that He can tell us something or give us an answer to something which we actually asked Him about but we have not been quiet enough to receive his answer, so therefore He needs to put something there to make us stop and listen. Strongs and dont be in too much of a hurry to get back to work. Remember God is in Control.

  38. Dear Sharon

    Thanks very much for your feedback . Wow a rollercoaster ride indeed , however God is faithful and His mercies are endless . He shall
    See you through . 🙏🌺💐🌹we keep you in prayers .

    Take care sis . God bless 2023680277

  39. Hi dear. Wishing a speedy recovery and I trust that the outcome will be in your favor. God will make it easy for you. Just trust and OBEY. God’s child you will be fine. Been there, know it all. Much ❤

  40. Hi Sharon I am sorry to hear of your unexpected health issues. Sending well wishes, love and strength all the way from South Africa. Much love Nivola

  41. Hi Sharon. I pray that you will get better. GOD’S mercy on your life . I also go through a hard time. I lost my husband on 11 /08. . But with God’s mercy I will get through this too…
    All my love
    Martie April
    Suid Africa

  42. This is something I went through myself Sharon. You will be fine. Sending good vibes, love and health your way all the way from home.

  43. Aunt Sharon please get well 🙏 I pray that God will get will get you through this journey safely. May you stay calm and know that you are not alone. Psalm 121 🤍

  44. Hi Sharon, my Sincere & humble prayer goes out to u, May Almighty grant u complete & speedy recovery. Stay strong. All the best & much luv ❤️ 🙏💐

  45. Hi Sharon, thank you for sharing your news with us. We pray for your speedy and complete recovery.
    Life is very precious and it can change at a moments notice. Please take care of yourself.

  46. Hallo Sharon,i can just imagine how scary the experience was for you. Great that you have had good Healthcare and pain meds help with the EINA.please try and rest do not rush to go back to work..Your health is more important..We love you amd miss the lives..We all are praying for you and your family…it must be worrying for all.

  47. Hallo Sharon,i can just imagine how scary the experience was for you. Great that you have had good Healthcare and pain meds help with the EINA.please try and rest do not rush to go back to work..Your health is more important..We love you amd miss the lives..We all are praying for you and your family…it must be worrying for all.

  48. Hi Sharon I’m sorry to hear this,but remember not to loose hope, trust that all will be well 🙏 praying for a speedy recovery 🙏

  49. Sharon, I wish you all the strength and peace during this uncertain time. Please know that I will keep you in my prayers. Soon, our good old, bubbly Sharon will be back. God bless you.

  50. Praying for u my love,I had a sist removed in April just under the perotid gland in my face…was cancerous but thank be to God with the operation everything was taken out.Only after the operation they found that it was malignant(not very aggressive)Just trust God in the process my dear.We met in Waterfront Shoprite,can u remember?

  51. Hi Sharon all the best keep the faith that all will be ok

    I miss ur live videos but for now look after urself love u

    Many blessings

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